Coast to Coast – Self Guide Special


This is an epic motorcycle ride Coast to Coast across America where you can set the pace and agenda as you make your own way across the USA. There is of course a suggested route to get you started and EagleRider will have a Professional tour guide that you have the choice of joining and following a pre-determined route. This unique tour offers the total freedom of a 14 day rental but you can also take part in the social aspects of meeting fellow riders in certain destinations. There will only be 2 hotels provided along the route and that will be in Orlando upon arrival, and again in Los Angeles after you drop off the bike. You can choose to have us pre-book your hotels for you in advance or some simply choose to book on the fly as they go – you just have to get to LA by the rental return date! An extremely popular and social tour with one of the best value rental rates, get in early to avoid disappointment.

Tour Details
Location USA
Start & End Points Orlando & Los Angeles
Duration 17 Days / 16 Nights
Journey Distance Approx 3500 miles
Difficulty Level (1-5) 3
Group Size Variable
Days 1-10
Days 11-17
  • Day 1
  • Day 2
  • Day 3
  • Day 4
  • Day 5
  • Day 6
  • Day 7
  • Day 8
  • Day 9
  • Day 10
  • Day 11
  • Day 12
  • Day 13
  • Day 14
  • Day 15
  • Day 16
  • Day 17

Distance: 0mi/km

A night in Orlando will get you rested and ready for the ride plus with the get together you’ll meet many of the people you will be crossing America with over the next two weeks. Some you may ride with everyday, others you may not see until the Pacific but whatever way you’ll be close at the end having achieved a dream together.

Orlando - Cedar Key


We’ve always found that a low mileage day on the first day is the best way to start this ride. A short hop up either coast will put you on the waterfront overnight and with just enough time to dial into the bike without the stress of having to cover big distance. Cedar Key or St Augustine are our favourites.

Cedar Key - Gulf Shores


Before the morning has finished you’ll be riding roads along white sand beaches. Sea food and BBQ are going to feature heavily for you over the next few days. All framed by amazing views of the waters of the Gulf of Mexico.

Gulf Shores - New Orleans


If you hug the coast here you’ll be catching a ferry across Mobile Bay. You travel past Civil War forts and a great twisty road out to the point. This route will get you in to New Orleans in good time to enjoy all the city has to offer.

New Orleans


Quite a few riders will just do the one night in New Orleans but others through choice and some victims of a late night on Bourbon Street will choose to take it easy and enjoy a full day here.

New Orleans - Galveston


Another day where you can hug the coast catching ferries and stopping along the way to enjoy this unique bit of coast. Galveston makes for a great last stop before we say goodbye to the coast.  The next time you smell the ocean you’ll be riding into Sant Monica or San Diego!

Galveston - Austin


Inland and across Texas. No matter which route you take you are going to be in Texas for a quite a while! It’s Big! We’ll be in wildflower season as we cross the southern ranch lands so you might be surprised how rich the country is compared with the parched desert in most popular images of the state.



One of our favourite stops and its often pulled us in for a couple of days.  Great food and live music make for a great mid-point stop while you prepare for the south western deserts ahead.

Austin - Del Rio


Time to pack away the Hawaiian shirts and stop drinking cocktails!  From here on its Cowboy hats and boots, beer and whisky! Distances start to grow and you’ll be keeping a close eye on fuel gauges and mileages to the next watering hole. Desert riding is special and for those of us from Europe and elsewhere there’s nothing like it to compare with. Pull up your bandanas and follow the sun! We’ve even had a few stops in Del Rio where the hotel owner has taken us (in his car, bikes aren’t allowed over the border) into Mexico for breakfast.

Del Rio - Terlingua


Heading along the sweeping vistas of Texas Hill Country and tightly hugging the border into Big Bend National park, this is the point in the ride where you are going to feel furthest from home! Dark Sky’s give some of the best star gazing you are likely to have seen. The old Ghost town has a great bar and restaurant and more likely than not you’ll find a good sprinkling of Coast to Coasters here.

Terlingua - Las Cruces


After a morning along the rollercoaster of a road that tracks the Rio Grande it’s tumbleweed and dusty saloons along with the most remote Prada shopping in the world (if you see it you’ll know). Another day spent racing the sun along desert highways.

Las Cruces - Bisbee


From here many people, weather permitting, choose to to head north. The ground rises up here in the first ripple of the Rockies so if its a cold year there may be snow but on warmer years you can make it up onto Route 66, Monument Valley and the Grand Canyon (brrrrghh). Just remember the rim of the Grand Canyon is a mile high. Most people play it by ear and make the final choice once the weather is sure.

Bisbee - Phoenix


From the historic mining town of Bisbee to the bright lights of Phoenix there is a choice of routes and things to see from the organ pipe cactus to the Aircraft Graveyard.  A cold drink by a pool is a great way to wash away the dust of this days ride.

Phoenix - Ajo


If you’re staying south then you have a couple of long dusty days in the saddle ahead.  If you’ve headed north from here you have Lake Havasu, Las Vegas and Death Valley ahead of you.  As we head into the final few days of the ride your choices of route really open up with multiple points to aim at to make your way to the coast.

Ajo - TwentyNine Palms


If you are on this southern route then a final push along the shores of the Salton sea will set you up with a night in Palm Springs and the whole of the coastal range between you and the Pacific.

TwentyNine Palms - Los Angeles


Multiple route choices all of which will probably rate as one of the best roads you’ve ridden will see you over this final barrier before hitting the end of the road! Just remember though these are big mountains and it is not unknown to have a final flurry of snow within an hour of dipping your toes in the Pacific. Upon arrival you return your bike back to the Los Angeles office and head to the hotel. There will be a get-together to celebrate the ride and start planning the next one!

Los Angeles


Homeward bound, those travelling internationally will head to the airport and make their way back across the Atlantic having banked some incredible memories and new friends over the past couple weeks. Alternatively you could elect to add a few days on to explore all that Los Angeles has to offer.

Whats Included
  • Unlimited Mileage
  • Half-Shell Helmet for Rider and Pillion
  • Sales Tax & Applicable Fees
  • Ride with the Group or Explore on Your Own
  • Mobile Tour Guide App
  • Late Model Motorcycle Rental
  • 2 Motorcycle Friendly Hotels – Custom Coast to Coast Run
  • Professional Tour Guide on Bike
  • Transportation between Tour Hotel and EagleRider Locations
  • Custom Tour Completion Patch
What’s not Included
  • Anything not listed in “What’s Included” above
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